U periodu od 7. do 15. februara ove godine, mladi iz Srbije, Bugarske, Italije, Rumunije i Grčke imali su privilegiju da učestvuju u inspirativnoj razmeni u Staroj Zagori, Bugarska. Ova razmena, održana u centru Youtopia, predstavljala je dragocenu priliku za mlade da prošire svoje horizonte, razmene iskustva i steknu nova znanja.
Razmena je okupila grupu mladih entuzijasta iz različitih delova Evrope, svako sa svojim jedinstvenim iskustvima i perspektivama. Pod vođstvom Nikolaja Nikolova, iskusnog mentora i aktiviste koji je svojim predanim radom na projektima za mlade uspeo da obezbedi prostor za ovakve važne susrete, učesnici su imali priliku da učestvuju u raznovrsnim radionicama i diskusijama.
Jedna od ključnih tema razmene bila je istraživanje i razumevanje navika tokom dana. Kroz interaktivne aktivnosti i grupne diskusije, mladi su imali priliku da sagledaju svoje rutine i navike, te da razmotre kako ih mogu unaprediti kako bi postigli veću efikasnost i zadovoljstvo u svakodnevnom životu. Učenje IKIGAI tehnike, japanske filozofije koja pomaže pojedincima da pronađu svoju svrhu i strast u životu, predstavljalo je poseban fokus tokom razmene. Kroz refleksiju i diskusiju, mladi su imali priliku da istraže svoje lične vrednosti i ciljeve i da otkriju kako ih integrisati u svoje svakodnevne aktivnosti.
Pored aktivnosti u centru Youtopia, učesnici su imali priliku da posete i Međunarodni centar za mlade u Staroj Zagori, gde su se upoznali sa različitim programima i aktivnostima koji se tamo sprovode. Poseta je omogućila mladima da steknu uvid u rad lokalne zajednice i da se povežu sa mladima iz Bugarske.
Važno je istaći da je Erasmus plus program pružio idealnu platformu za ovo jedinstveno iskustvo. Kroz podršku Evropske unije, mladi su imali priliku da putuju, upoznaju nove ljude i kulture, te da steknu nova znanja i veštine koje će im koristiti u budućnosti. Ova razmena je samo jedan od mnogobrojnih primera kako međunarodna saradnja može obogatiti živote mladih i doprineti njihovom ličnom i profesionalnom razvoju. Kroz ovakve projekte, mladi postaju globalno svesniji, otvoreniji za različitosti i spremniji da se angažuju u izgradnji boljeg sveta za sve.

From February 7th to 15th this year, young people from Serbia, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, and Greece had the privilege to participate in an inspiring exchange in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. This exchange, held at the Youtopia center, represented a valuable opportunity for young people to broaden their horizons, exchange experiences, and acquire new knowledge.
The exchange brought together a group of young enthusiasts from different parts of Europe, each with their unique experiences and perspectives. Under the leadership of Nikolaj Nikolov, an experienced mentor and activist who, through his dedicated work on youth projects, managed to secure space for such important encounters, participants had the opportunity to engage in various workshops and discussions.
One of the key themes of the exchange was exploring and understanding daily habits. Through interactive activities and group discussions, young people had the opportunity to examine their routines and habits, and consider how they could improve them to achieve greater efficiency and satisfaction in their daily lives. Learning the IKIGAI technique, a Japanese philosophy that helps individuals find their purpose and passion in life, was a special focus during the exchange. Through reflection and discussion, young people had the opportunity to explore their personal values and goals and discover how to integrate them into their daily activities.
In addition to activities at the Youtopia center, participants had the opportunity to visit the International Youth Center in Stara Zagora, where they familiarized themselves with various programs and activities implemented there. The visit allowed young people to gain insight into the work of the local community and connect with young people from Bulgaria.
It is important to emphasize that the Erasmus Plus program provided an ideal platform for this unique experience. Through the support of the European Union, young people had the opportunity to travel, meet new people and cultures, and acquire new knowledge and skills that will benefit them in the future. This exchange is just one of many examples of how international cooperation can enrich the lives of young people and contribute to their personal and professional development. Through such projects, young people become more globally aware, more open to diversity, and more willing to engage in building a better world for everyone.